Bitacle Steals Blog Content

So how are cyber-thieves getting away with it? Because the originator is much tougher to track on the Internet. And is no exception. In fact, they are based in Spain and have no scruples about stealing blog content from people like you and me, and posting it on their Web site while profiting from the advertising monies they receive from stealing our blog content. While some people may think this is a great way to get our content out in cyber space because it increases the exposure by showing up on another Web site, I think it is unconscionable and unethical. I therefore publicly ask to REMOVE any and all blog content I have personally written off their Web site without my permission. It is stealing and it is wrong.
To my readers, as a caveat, please look carefully at the web address in the URL field of your browser. It should read ''. In case you see a web address containing the word ‘bitacle’ or ‘’, you’re not looking at the original page on which this text was posted. If this is the case, the text you are reading right now might be incorrect or out of date. After I place a post on my weblog, I always try to keep published information up to date, or incorporate additional information, which I receive from readers. You will never find this information on copies the content of weblogs without permission of the author, the holder of copyrights or the licensee. By visiting, you create income for the people who run, at the expense of me and other owners of a weblog, without permission and often without respecting copyrights and/or terms of use as in a license. So please, next time you want to view my posts, do so by using the web address of my weblog, which is ''. Please make a bookmark of my weblog’s address, if you would like to visit it again.
Thank you,
Graduate Student-Insider