Letter from India From A Potential New Student Interested in the M.A. in Media Studies Program
I am from India and am looking for Study options in media in NY.
Wanted to understand a little more about the course at New School.
Could you tell me the background of students pursuing the course at New School? -- in terms of work experience and educational background.
I have worked with with an advertising MNC both in Media as well as Account Planning. I have a total work ex of 3 years.
Are you currently a student or an ex-student? Would be great if you could help me with this...
Thanks and Regards
You can check out details about the program on our Media Studies Web site at http://www.newschool.edu/mediastudies/. The Web site explains the program in detail, including the core classes for the media, and the courses required for the production sequence. The non-thesis option requires 39 units to graduate, and the thesis option requires 36.
Students come from all walks of life, all different background. Many are documentary film makers, some are journalists, some have a background in Web development and design, and many have worked in the media, media sales, marketing, business, sales, photography, graphic design, television (one student worked for the BBC), musicians and teachers. All have bachelor's degrees, and all are of very high caliber. All have an interest in the Media and how it impacts us socially as global citizens.
All of the online courses are also taught onsite, so if you plan to pursue the M.A. on campus, moving to NYC is definitely an option. I understand from friends I've met in the online classes who have moved to NYC to complete their second and final year in the program that the online courses are more rigorous and require better preparation, focus, and participation. The online medium necessitates this. For those students who do not participate as much, it becomes very evident in the medium. Some students who choose the film option are required to move to NYC at least during the summer semester to complete the production sequence required for all students, particularly those who choose the video, film, or audio sequence. Since I specialized with the Web production sequence, I didn't have to be onsite and remained 100% online as a student. It's worked out great from me.
Our classrooms are diverse with students entering our virtual classrooms from all over the world. One semester I took a course in Web Design and Production from a professor residing in Spain. Students log into class anywhere, anytime...even from airports in India. It is truly a remarkable program...light years ahead of other Universities.
I hope this helps. Keep us posted on your admissions and your entry and experiences in the program!
Graduate Student-Insider