Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day of The Long Tail

You may be wondering just what do M.A. in Media Studies students study? Well, we study many things related to media. We look at media, the emergence of various mediums and the ways we communicate with them such as with the evolution of Web 2.0, and we study how all these changes affect us both behaviorally and socially. More on what we study will be coming in future posts. We also study emerging social phenomenon resulting from big media's effects on the masses, such as The Long Tail.

The above segment on the Long Tail phenomenon was shared by Derek in our class blog during our summer course in The New, New Media: Weblogs, Wikis, RSS and Emerging Social Media. Thanks, Derek!

You've got to see it through the end. The mood is foreboding but in the end as the segment suggests, "The audience is up to something." A must see for the masses!

Ha! Yep. That's us. The masses. We're watching. Check us out in Day of the Long Tail.